Presentations on the Four Rs

Presentations and demonstrations of the four R-projects have been given in conjunction with conferences worldwide. This is a list of recent conferences with links to supporting materials.

IAML Congress 2024

Stellenbosch, South Africa
23-28 June 2024

At the annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML), RISM, RIPM, and RILM each held sessions related to music, musicology, and music collections in Africa.


13th Musicological Symposium "Music in Society" / "Muzika u društvu"

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
7-10 December 2022

At a conference held by Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Muzikološko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine), a workshop titled "Music Research Begins with the Rs" was given by RILM, RIPM, and RIdIM.


Five Perspectives On Music Librarianship

Zoom webinar
24 August, 2020

A webinar jointly sponsored by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the International Associaiton of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) given by Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie on the four R-projects. For more information, please visit here.


Musicological Societies as Intermediaries between Society, Musical Life and Academia

Utrecht, The Netherlands
22-24 November, 2018

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (KVNM), the four R projects presented papers in a session titled "The Impact of the R-projects on Musicological Research in the Age of Globalization." The conference website is available here.


The 3rd International Music Forum: Approaches to Research on Music and Dance in the Internet Era / 第三届国际音乐论坛:网络时代的音乐与舞蹈研究

Beijing, China
11-14 July 2018

A forum sponsored by six international societies—ICTM, SEM, IMS, IAML, IASPM, STMC—the four R projects will present a session chaired by Zdravko Blažeković. The conference website is available here.


Music Information in Asia and Advancement of International Collaboration: Searching the Music Source and Connecting the Music Libraries / アジアの音楽情報と国際協力:音楽資料の調査と音楽図書館の連携

Tokyo, Japan
16 June 2018

A conference sponsored by IAML-Japan and RILM and in which RIPM participated, held at Rikkyo University, presenters spoke on methods to broaden international dissemination of musical information and to further develop international cooperation. The conference website is available here.


III Congreso de la Asociación Regional para América Latina y el Caribe ARLAC-IMS

Santos, Brazil
1 to 5 August 2017

The four Rs participated in a session chaired by Daniela Fugellie on their recent activities and initiatives in Latin America.


International Musicological Society
20th Quinquennial Congress

Tokyo, Japan
19 to 23 March 2017

At the first quinquennial conference of the IMS held in Asia, the four Rs presented a joint plenary session and individual sessions on each respective R-project.


Pan-American Regional IAML Conference

Orlando, Florida
22 to 26 February 2017

Held at the 86th annual meeting of the American Music Library Association, this joint meeting of IAML, MLA and the Canadian Music Library Association (CAML) brought together music librarians, archivists, and documentation specialists from across the Americas. RISM, RILM, and RIPM presented sessions and participated in various events throughout the program.

Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, IAML President and RILM's Editor-in-Chief summarized this conference for the IAML website.

More can be found on the conference's website.



Rome, Italy
3-8 July 2016

At the annual congress of IAML, each of the four R projects presented individual sessions and held meetings with colleagues.


Music as Art, Artefact, and Fact:
Music Research in the 21st Century

Stavanger, Norway
1-6 July 2016

A conference sponsored by the International Musicological Society (IMS), the four Rs presented a morning plenary session.


II Congreso de la Asociación Regional para América Latina y el Caribe ARLAC-IMS

Santiago, Chile, 12-16 January 2016

The second congress of the ARLAC-IMS featured a morning plenary session by the four Rs and individual sessions for RILM, RIPM, and RISM.

More can be found on the ARLAC website.


Encuentro Internacional de Investigación y Documentación de la Música y las Artes Escénicas

Morelia, Mexico
19 September 2015

The morning session was devoted to an introduction and demonstration of RILM, RIPM, RISM, and RIdIM; the afternoon round-table discussion touched upon the important issues concerning the participation of Mexican institutions and the inclusion of Mexican materials into the four R's.


Music Research in the Digital Age
Joint congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) and the International Musicological Society (IMS)

New York
21-26 Jun 2015

Multiple sessions were presented by the four R-projects individually. On 25 June, a session was presented in tribute to Barry S. Brook, founder of RILM and RIdIM and a driving force in musicology and music librarianship.

More can be found on the conference's website.


First conference of the IMS Regional Association for Latin America and the Caribbean (ARALC/IMS), in conjunction with the Eighth International Colloquium for Musicology and the Premio de Musicologia

Casa de las Americas
Havana, Cuba, 17-21 March 2014

Three sessions were given on bibliographic control of music, including demonstrations of all four R-projects and their importance for musical research. A copy of the complete program, with the R-sessions highlighted, is available at

A summary of the sessions was published in the newsletter of the Casa de las Americas, La Ventana. Dinko Fabris, President of the IMS and sometime reporter, described the conference in a program for RAI Radio 3 in Italy (in Italian). A summary of the conference is available from the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (in German).


Faster, Smarter and Richer:
Reshaping the Library Catalogue

27-28 February 2014

RILM and RISM participated in a conference organized by the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB) and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. A copy of the RILM paper can be found at


New Musicology: Theories, Methods, Resources

Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China
6-8 July, 2013

Individual presentations were given by each R-project as a part of the conference. In addition, a roundtable on library resouces and service was held on 7 July. A copy of the roundtable program can be found on and a summary of the roundtable can be found on the blog of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music (in Chinese).